
February is Heart Health Month and an important time to elevate awareness, increase understanding and ultimately inspire action surrounding cardiovascular health. February is also Black History Month – a time to celebrate the achievements of Black Americans, recognize their contributions to our nation’s history and pay tribute to the generations of Black Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve equality in American society.

At the intersection of these observances lie profound and sobering data that show cardiovascular disease disproportionately affects Black Americans and that illuminate the health inequities facing communities of color, placing those within these populations at greater risk for poor health outcomes.1

This month, we’ve partnered with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., to bring you a Special Edition newsletter that seeks to elevate awareness and understanding of artery disease. Read the newsletter and visit www.clotwise.com for more information and resources that can help you recognize the signs and symptoms of artery disease.

Content sponsored and provided by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.



  1. Carnethon MR, et al. Cardiovascular Health in African Americans: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. 2017;136:e393–e423. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000534
© Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2022 02/22
