November 18-20, 2024

3-Day Virtual Event


& Informative


& Transformative


The Healthy Churches 2030 Virtual Conference equips African American faith communities and families with knowledge and tools to prevent and reduce the tremendous burden of health disparities.



Keynote Presentations

Celebrity Fitness Workshop

Chef Demo

On-Demand Content


I want to make an impact

on my health, the health
of my family and community.

Learn More

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Why you should attend?

  • Hear from public health professionals, faith leaders, celebrities and special guests
  • Engage in interactive symposiums, panels and more
  • Gain access to resources and training on healthcare, prevention and diseases that impact that Black community
  • Miss a session? Get access to on-demand content for six months


Dr. Pernessa C. Seele

Founder & CEO
The Balm In Gilead Inc
Richmond, VA

Dr. Joy DeGruy

President and CEO
Joy DeGruy Publications Inc
Portland, OR

Pastor Donnie McClurkin

Renowned Gospel Artist
and Minister
Long Island, NY

Brandon P. Fleming

Renowned Speaker, Author
Nationally Acclaimed

Joel Bervell

Science Communicator
Medical Mythbuster
and Podcast Host

Jovonta Patton

Stellar Award-Winning Artist
Ordained Minister

Stephanie Monroe, JD

Executive Director
African Americans Against Alzheimer’s
Washington, DC

Check out feedback from last year’s conference!

The exhibits and presentations was great. They touched on so much of what our community needs to hear and me made aware of. I especially like the point of getting us as a people to become advocates.

The speakers were very knowledgeable and I was very intrigued by how the entire conference was set up.

Very inspiring and motivating to initiate change
A variety of needful topics get covered every year. Very motivational. Great materials to download.
All topics were relevant to current medical issues for many Black Americans.
Everything was great and informative.
I was able to get a variety of information on many topics regarding health.
This being my first time there is so much to enjoy. Worship! I certainly enjoyed the evening activities.”