
Click the image to download the FACTSHEET

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted our world in a precedented way. Social distancing has changed the historic culture of how churches gather and minister to congregants and the community. The music and arts ministry is a significant element to worship services, comprised of multiple to mass people closely gathered in praise teams, choirs and instrumental talents banded together to create a joyful noise. In light of the new normal we all are facing, how does the music ministry effectively minister in a space that has thrived on the essence of being present together in one physical place?

The Balm In Gilead, Inc. has devised an advisory information fact sheet to offer support on how the music and arts ministry may adjust to the new normal, keep everyone safe and continue serving congregants, communities and the world with the gift of music and art. Please consider the listed suggestions and incorporate them into your plans as you move forward with your ministries.