
Individual Level by 2030:

  • Increase the number of individuals being served by congregational health programs and services.
  • Reduce the overall burden of preventable diseases among African Americans served by congregational health programs and services.
  • Increase positive health behaviors and outcomes among African-Americans served by congregational health programs and services.
  • Increase disease state awareness, treatment education, and engagement in clinical studies of individuals being served by congregational health programs and services.

Congregational Level By 2030:

  • 80% of local congregations participating in the Healthy Churches 2030 Initiative will have an established health ministry.
  • Participating Healthy Churches 2030 Initiative congregations will have successfully implemented three or more sustainable health programs related to Roadmap 2030: The Black Health Agenda.
  • Increase the number of Missionary Societies and Christian Education Departments participating in Healthy Churches 2030 Initiative with the organizational capacity to provide health resources, trainings, and activities to African-Americans.

Community Level By 2030:

  • 40% of congregations participating in Healthy Churches 2030 Initiative will have established a bi-directional partnership with at least one of the following organizations:local health department, local academic institution, community-based organization, healthcare organization/system, for-profit/corporate partner.
  • 50% of congregations participating in the Healthy Churches 2030 Initiative will have implemented two or more community programs that support one of the following: increased awareness regarding local health policy issues, increased access to health services/resources, increased financial literacy, increased access to jobs or educational opportunities for African Americans, increased access to quality food security.