Technical Assistance
and Capacity Building
About Technical Assistance
For more than 30 years, The Balm In Gilead has envisioned and implemented successful faith-based programs and health initiatives leading to the establishment of thousands of effective congregational health ministries all across the United States and in Africa. The National Faith-based Training & Technical Assistance Center was established in 1998 by The Balm In Gilead in an effort to provide Capacity Building and Training/Technical Assistance services to the African American faith community and other partners serving African American communities to include but not limited to:
- Community Based Organizations
- Health Service Organizations
- Health Institutions
- Academic Institutions
- Public Health Organizations
- Civic Organizations
Services provided by the center are designed to educate, train, and assist African American faith and community leaders to respond more effectively to health disparities, inequalities, and other health-related issues that affect congregations and African American communities at-large.
TA Center Objectives
- Increase awareness, understanding, and access to evidence-based practices and interventions among African American congregations.
- Increase cultural competence of healthcare and public health professionals as well as allied and other direct service providers to effectively partner with African American faith communities to improve health outcomes and overall health status of African Americans.
- Enhance the capacity of African American congregations and other faith institutions to effectively address health disparities and emerging health issues by providing capacity building and technical assistance services. Our services are aimed at strengthening the skill set of faith-based individuals to develop and implement health education, promotion, and disease management programs.
Focus Areas
The Balm In Gilead provides capacity building and technical assistance services across the following focus areas:
Capacity Building Assistance for faith-based organizations and congregations
- Tools and resources for establishing an effective health ministry
- Disease specific health program development
- Health promotion and educational training workshops/seminars for health ministries and community workers
- Program design, implementation, and evaluation of faith-based health programs provided by local congregations
Technical Assistance Trainings, Workshops & Engagement Activities for faith communities, public health agencies, healthcare professionals or other appropriate institutions
- Customized, disease/problem specific trainings and workshops
- Regional and local community wide engagement forums to include keynote presentations and/or panels conducted by The Balm In Gilead leadership team
- Ongoing and Time-based consultancy regarding strategic planning, program implementation, and evaluation for faith-based initiatives or projects
- Cultural competency, diversity, and health equity trainings
Marketing & Communication Resource Development for the creation, dissemination, and distribution of culturally tailored health messages and marketing to African American faith-based communities
- Development of co-branded materials for faith communities and African Americans
- Educational awareness and social media campaigns
- Development of publications and tool kits for African American faith communities
- Health literacy campaigns to increase awareness among at-risk and vulnerable populations
More Information
To find out more information or to make a training request please send an email to Keisha Curry at or complete the appropriate form here.
Upcoming Trainings
Please note that all times are Eastern. Click on the appropriate link to register for upcoming trainings (in-person/webinar). Also check out The Balm In Gilead’s homepage to learn about other events and happenings. Trainings are free unless otherwise noted. Trainings that offer professional education credits will be designated as “CE approved”. All trainings provide a “Certificate of Completion” Click here to see schedule or register.